Thursday, June 30, 2005


It's in first person.

I knew there was something awesomly cool about this show.

You rarely have shows in first person. Why? 'Cause hardly anybody can pull it off.

But trust me, Veronica Mars is plenty pulled off. Past pulled off.

Well done, Rob Thomas, well done.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005


Bush, "Although the suffering is real, it is worth it."

National identity cards. >>>



My stomache just talked to me. In English. English words.

It said, like, "Donn't killl me noowwww." Or something. God, that was scary.

Something four syllabals. Syllables. Whatever.

I went to sleep at five yseterday, watching Veronica Mars. And I didn't even finish. The season. But it was almost six, and I decided that since the sun had been up for a while, it was time to snooze.

Goddamn television shows. The good kind. Of television shows.

Monday, June 27, 2005



Veronica Mars is the coolest television show ever.

Well, in its genre. Category.


General Statement: Girls always fall for the complicated type.

Veronica Mars. GODDAMMIT. She's so cool, except she's all like, *TRUST ISSUES* And Logan's all, You have to trust me. And she's like. Okay. And then she's like, *TURNS IN TO COPS*

I knew he didn't do it.

Damn Veronica and her doubting and stuff. And if he runs back to her, all understanding and stuff, Sigh. But it's too pretty to end.


I might've been this obsessed with the others. One Tree Hill and Gilmore Gilrs.


Sunday, June 26, 2005


I forget what I was going to say. Besides that, like, life sucks and that I am not particularily fond of Libertarians.

There was something else.

But of course, it was probably sadenning and depressing, so of course, naturally, my mind chose to forget.


So guess what I found out.

We have to pay 100 dollars to volunteer now
What happened to good ol' fashioned volunteering 'cause I'm a good person and I want to help
instead of getting a job
And working for money
So I can pay off my deposit for volunteering


Thursday, June 23, 2005


I feel small. I hear ringing noises. Soft, strong, high-pitched, slow-waved, ringing noises.

I'm thinking about how I care.

Convincing myself how it doessn't matter... much.

But then thinking about everything planned.

Monday, June 20, 2005


I read the newspaper the other day and it made me sad.
Too many guns.

Morals. "Morals" my ass.

visions of morals
sets of beliefs
band of ideals
images of peace

So I'm told I've got so many issues, it's not even funny. Mmm, but I already know this.

Blame the people who associate themselves with me.
Or, is that people I associate with. Or, associates of me. Or, actually, just me. Mmmkay.

I can taste the rain on a hot, dry, summer's day. I can feel the sand slipping through my fingers. I can hear the eagle's--wait, eagles? WHAAAA?!?!



Childhood weirdness
Did you spend your childhood time with mostly real or imaginary friends?: I didn't have either.
Did people consider you an odd child?: Yes. And they hated me for it. HAH. Proved them wrong. *shifty eyes*
Do you have memories that go back to when you were only a few months old?: Heck, I dont' even have memories that go back to when I was 5.
Do you remember any thoughts you had when you where very young?: I didn't think back then, what are you talking about.
If you answered "intricate", give an example of one of those thoughts: Mm, not liking childhood questions much.
Were your dreams very vivid as a child?: I don't remember. Much?
What is the strangest memory you have from early childhood?: Strange? How much people hated me.
Were you a child prodigy or did you display any gifts at a young age?: Like I know. Knew. Remember.
What was the most "grown-up" thing you ever said as a child?: ICKY!
What were your favoite TV shows in early childhood?: Don't remember anything.
Were you afraid of monsters?: Probably? Hah, probably not.
Did you believe that fictional characters were real?: Yes, definitely, this I remember.
Were you more quiet and artistic or loud and physical?: Quiet and artistic. Unlike now. Psh.

Issues and US Stuff
Do you eat meat?: Sigh. Yes, yes, I do. I shouldn't. Don't want to, but I no tengo self-control.
If you do, what is your justification for it?: It's in my food.
If you could legalize 3 things in the US, what would they be?: It's hard answering these after Todd. Let's say, Freedom of Speech & Press--wait--what's that? That's our First Amendment? Well, will you look at that. Well, then how about the right to privacy--wait--you say that's the fourth amendment? Well, then jolly-jee-louis. I HATE THE MASS MEDIA. Okay, now that that's out of my system. I'd legalize being poor/ethnic/different. And marijuana. That means, gay marraige, AND EVERYTHING ELSE. And dont give me that "Ooh, but if everybody was different, we would all be the same!" crap.
Do you belive in the death penalty?: No. I was told this story abou this man who didn't have the guts to pull the trigger to his own head, so he shot a lady walking out of a store. Should he be killed? I answered yes at the time, because I was a strong believer of suicie, having come out of a phase myself. Now, I'd think twice.
What country would you have liked to have been born into? Sweden. Or Canada, settling for a second-best. But man, Sweden is so hot. I read their thing on CIA world factbook the other day. Mmmuah.
Describe your feelings about marijuana legalization: Marijuana < marijuana =" less" drugs =" good." also =" those" style="font-style: italic;">knew my life would be run by Republicans. For the rest of my life. Sam was right. Republicans are going to run our lives for the rest of our lives. And we thought we were safe. HAH.
Which state do you think will drop off into the ocean first?: Texas. With their cowboy boots and aosdjifasodf. I used to live in Texas.
Who do you consider "American Heroes"?: The little guy who said, "Maybe we shouldn't let everybody have guns." And then got shot by the NRA.

Completely Obtuse And Silly Questions
Have you ever taken something apart just to see how it worked? Ever since I could take stuff apart. I still have that boom box that I took apart. And then fixed. And then broke. And then fixed. And then dropped.
Do you ever yell at the television while you are alone? Alone. So vastly alone.
Name a few things (if any) that you bought on Ebay recently: Mmmm, nothing? I'm gonna buy an iTrip maybe. Or a thing to cover the thing. Consumerism. Ah, but it's Ebay. eBay.
Are the Muppets sinister? Sinister. Let's look at this word. Sin. GODDAMN CHRISTIAN ADVERTISING.
Do you watch the Science Channel (Discovery) on a regular basis?: No. Don't know if I have this channel. WAIT YEAH. I do. I don't watch it on a regular basis. Well, depends what you consider a regular basis.
Ever gotten into an "in person" argument with a total stranger? Yes. Total stranger. They mumbled something, and I blew up. Something about, GODDAMN "MORALS" MY ASS.
sugar or honey? Sugar. Honey's sticky.
how many e-mails do you recieve a day?: Three? Four?
Do you think that time travel is a possibility?: Nah. After watching those movies. And then thinking about it for a large amount of time. This is how I use my time.
Have you ever had a past life regression?: Past life... I regressed? I think the answer is no. Progressive, all the way.
San Francisco or New York City?: I used to like San Fran. Because of suburbianness. And then I'm like, heck, New York City. Hey, my blog is titled Partying My Ass Off to New York City.
Are you slightly addicted to online tests and surveys?: Oh, ever-so-slightly.
Close your eyes and type the first random image that pops into your head: A turtle. We were talking about turtoises, and how they lay their eggs in the sand, and make their babies run to the ocean. I watched something about that some time ago. And then, was listening to the turtles. Actually, I didn't really see a turtle, I just saw a white blob which looked like a turtle. Haha, ink blobs.
If you could choose a time period in which to live, which would it be?: I don't know enough about time periods to choose. Some time when we didn't know drugs were bad for us. When we just rocked out and mmmm, I can smell the happiness.

Emotions And Such
Have you attempted suicide more than once?: Twice/Thrice is more than once. Mm, but once you pop, you can't stop.
Cutting?: Nope.
Do you get violent when you are angry?: No. Don't get angry much. Unless someone's yelling at me about something stupid, then I just sit on the floor and laugh at them.
Which emotion are you most consumed by?: Right now? Let's say... Wait. Emotions. I can do this. If I had a list of emotions to pick from... Right now, I'd say maybe amusement, maybe frustration, maybe problematic, maybe annoyed, maybe tiresome, maybe I HAVE MULTIPLE PERSONALITIES. One word, Cgerkraxh. That is my emotion.
Are you highly emotive?: Yeah. I could be emo, if I cared to label myself. Or cared about "emo"ness.
Do you discuss problems or keep them to yourself? I definitley discuss. I can't keep anything to myself. 'Cept stuff that I have to keep to myself.
Do you fall in love easily? Mmm, I suppose not.
What age/year was the most difficult for you? 3rd, 4rd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th grade. My life's sucked.
How do you channel your anger/sadness? Writing. Thinking, HAH. Ranting, sometimes. Sleeping.
List a few simple things that make you happy: Watching good stuff. Thinking. Reading. Escaping. Being a loser. L on her forehead. Ranting. Rambling. Discovering. Experimenting. Ah, everything.
When were you most recently your happiest? When Sergio and I decided to make our own label. Cgerkraxh. We need to expand and make it big. Make it something real.

Describe your best friend as if you were describing a character from a film: No tengo un amigo de best. Actually, probably Sergio and Mary. (First step is admiting, right?) Character from a film. Sergio is as screwed up as Cherry. She's taught him a lot. He's taught her a couple things... well, one thing, but we can probably give him credit for more. Their families are the same. Their goals are almost the same. Mary and Cherry's names rhyme. Yes, stating the obvious, but leave me alone. Mary and Cherry rant to each other. Have similar emotions, sometimes. Help each other get past things. Special bonding. I think.
Do you have friends that are drastically different from each other? Dude, yeah. From the ultra-conservatives... to me. From the straight conservatives to the queer gays. From the found to the lost. From the innocent to the corrupt.
List a few key traits that all of your friends have in common: All good people. All people... as far as I know. Or they know. Hahah!
Have you ever been betrayed by a close friend? Mmno? Haven't really had a close enough friend to be betrayed by.
If yes, are you still friends with that person? n/a
Are your friends mostly your age, younger or older? Mostly my age. Have some young ones. Have some... old... ones...

Are you close to your family? Not really. Dysfunctional family indeed. I guess we have our moments... but we don't really talk. Nothing to talk about?
What traits are you glad you inherited from them? Intelligence. Asian genes (ie the ability to each as much food as I humanly can and not get "fat").
Which traits are you mad that you inherited from them? My dad's temper + my mom's old temper + my mom's emotional problems + my dad's emotion problems + my mom and dad's fuckedupness = me.
What sitcom does your family most remind you of? I don't know. There are no Asian ones.
Does your family live locally or far away? Family. Uh. Outside of us four, away. Far far away.
Have you ever stopped speaking to someone in your family? I have been stopped speaking at. For a little while, and then it stopped. Oooh, but yeah, I have. A week, maybe. Toldja.
Have either of your parents died? No.
Is your family very much like you or are you opposites? We're all screwed up people, yes. I hate being like them. SIOfjosdfsdf. Eh.
How many siblings do you have? 1
Has your family ever thrown food at each other? I'm sure we have. There have been plates thrown. Phones thrown. Cups--Glass cups thrown. Dysfuntional family.
Are the holidays a nightmare or a time of joy? Joy, I guess. It's just us.
Do you look like your parents? My dad, yeah. ISFjodsfsdfs
List one interesting fact about your family: DYSFUNCTIONAL.

Gay, Straight, Bi-sexual or no idea? Straight. Actually. Might. Bi-tendencies.
Married/partnered? Mmmindeed.
Ever gone out with someone you were embarrassed to be seen with? I don't "go out." I'm not embarrassed to be seen with anybody. Mmmm?
Ever broken someone's heart? Psh. Hearts. Internal organs.
How many serious relationships have you had? Zzzero.
Do you believe in monogamy? Gamy.
Have you ever lusted obsessively over someone you knew you couldn't have? Oooh, but I'm Cherry. I can have anybody. *looks around*
Do you believe in the theory of soulmates? Nah...
Ever cheated? No. Not possible.
Been cheated on? No. Not possible.
Most important emotional qualities of a lover? Can communicate, good lovin', honest, good, knows I'm fucked up and can deal with it, can admit to self they are fucked up and are dealing with it.
Would You Rather...
Eat a steak or a whole tube of toothpaste? Or, BOTH.
Be covered in papercuts or cigarette burns? God, morbid, are we?
Be percieved as intelligent or street-smart (but not both)?: Neither?
Eat a bottle cap or a spider the size of a bottle cap?: Cap. Plastic vs. Spider
Be ruled exclusively by your heart or your mind? Or a balanced both... Mmmm.
Have the power to read minds or make anyone fall in love with you? Neither. It used to be read minds, because I want everything to be out in the open and honest. Wait. Everybody reading minds, that is. But it would be a mess.
Chew shards of broken glass or sit on a lighted barbeque grill? I can't answer these.
Be able to fly or be able to render yourself invisible? Fly. Ever think about how there are these "superpowers" that everybody wants. Flying, invisibility, reading minds. These three things are the most popular. And we, as humans, can only think of these three general things because we--wow, head jerking up, alerting myself that I'm falling asleep slowly at my desk.
Have questionable integrity or no sense of humor? Man. That's horrible. I can't think about it. I really can't.
Granted the answers to any 3 questions or ability to resurrect one person? 3 questions. Knowledge is power. Although... too much knowledge...

Final Questions
Ever had a great song ruined for you after it was used in a commercial? So. Many. My god.
Ever yelled at an SUV? I've seen an SUV, felt it go through my nerves, informing my brain that this is an SUV, and then thinking, damnbastards. Not quick enough to send the nerves to my mouth, though.
Hummmer? Same.
If you could turn back time and change one thing, what would it be?: I don't know. Nothing, probably.
Bambi or Nemo? Both ew.
How long have you been on xanga? Two years, almost, and then I left for Blogger. Almost 500 days.
Do you find it to be a fulfilling experience? Xanga? No. Fulfillin', no. An experience, of course.

~I'm so Cgerkraxh, it hurts.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

First Survey On This Site

Nicknames: Cherry. Cherrios. Cherry-on-the-bari (hah, clever.) Cherry-Berry. Yo-yao. Weed.
B-day: 11/16/1988
Age: 16
Sex: female
Where do you live: In Hell. Sure is hot enough to be hell... but with air conditioning.

What school do you attend: University High, home of the penguins.

Siblings and their ages: Jimmy - 10

Pets: A dog, Jessie. Used to have a rooster... but Jessie bit it to death, and my dad told me it flew away when he really threw him in the trash.
Sign: Scorpio
Lefty or Righty: Righty

********************YOUR LOOKS*********************

Hair color: Black
Eye color: Brown
Height: 5'6"
Do u wear contacts or glasses: Glasses
Do you have/want a tattoo: No. Wait. Want? Sure. If it didn't hurt... and was sterile.
What and where: No Regrets, possibly
Do you wear any rings: Not really.
Do you have a certain fashion you follow? Stuff I find that I find interesting. Cherry-style.

******************JUST LATELY***********************

How are you today: Just like any ol' day.
What pants are you wearing right now: A towel.

What shirt: A non-shirt.
What underwear are you wearing right now? Deep purple panties.

What does your hair look like at the moment: It's tied back.

What song are u listening to right now: Kissing The Lipless by The Shins

Thinkin bout? Downloading music from WASTE. How awesome WASTE is. How summer school is practically over. How school starts in 7 weeks. How I know how to drive now. How next year is going to be crazy. How I should clean my room and do something to it. How I should study for something. How I need to get into shape in order not to die. How Health class was a waste of time. How we get to watch a comedy tomorrow. How I'm reading books. How I have multiple thoughts in my head at the same time. How I forgot the word that begins with a C that means at the same time. How I was thinking of "simutaneously," which doesn't begin with a C, but probably saw the word concurrently and just thought C. Even though I meant simutaneously. How my mind is crazy. And dyslexic. And ADHD.

What was the last thing u ate: An orange.
How is the weather right now? I wouldn't know, I'm inside, and there's a thing called air conditioning. Conditioner. Conditioning.
Who was the last person u talked to on the phone: I don't know.

Last Dream you can remember? We were back in Driver's Ed, except it wasn't the driver's ed room, 'cause it was even narrower and longer. Except it was the Driver's Ed room. Maybe it just seemed skewed. But anyways. It was darker. And I saw people there. And I talked to people. And... I think I ended up making out with someone? I'm a whore in my dreams. Well, no, but yeah.

Who are you talking to right now: Nobody. For once, kinda, not really.

What time is it: 8:41 PM

***************MORE ABOUT YOU!*********************

What are the last four digits of your phone number: 4232

If you were any color crayon, what color would you be: White. White crayons are completely useless, unless you're coloring on a differently-colored paper. But then, it doesn't even show up very well. I'm not saying I'm completely useless, of course. But White.
Ever almost died: Every time I get into a car. *preaches Driver's Ed* *spits in disgust*

Do u like the person that sent u this: Got it from Mary's Xanga. Mary is my home pal. Or... something.
How do u eat an Oreo: I like the cookie part more than the inside white part, actually.

What makes you happy: Life. Friends. Music. Talking. Listening. Thinking, hah.
What cd are you going to buy next: I'm not sure.

What's the best advice ever given to you: Noone gives me advice. It's weird.

Have u ever won any special award: Special, indeed.

What are your future goals? To be happy. To be Cherry. To have an awesome music collection. To learn. To live. Mmm. Not flunk out of high school.

Do u like to dance: Sure.
Worst sickness u ever had: Sickness, I don't know. I got hit in the eye with a frisbee, had to get surgery, 'cause I could've gone blind. Not a sickness though. I don't remember sicknesses.
What's the stupidest thing u ever done: Lie to make myself seem cooler? Psh. I'm cool enough.
What's your favorite memory: I don't know. Don't have a lot to choose from, I think, but I've had some good ones.
If u could change anything about you what would it be? How the Asian Culture influenced me, in the very beginning, 'cause it's hard to break free. I'm working on it. Being more out.

Where do you shop the most: Shop? Psh. Uh, I dunno. Let's say Target. Although I don't buy anything from Target. Barnes & Noble. 'Cept not. I don't know, haven't shopped in a while.
How many kids do you want to have: Eh. I dunno.
Son's name: Dope, Weed, Yon, Pon, Swic
Daughter's name: Peyton, Zooni, Plyann.

Do you do drugs: NO, I DON'T. Jeez.
Do you drink: Nope.

Shampoo and Conditioner do you use: Panteen ProV

What sport do you hate the most: Hockey

What are you most scared of: YOUR FACE. But seriously, I don't know.

How many TV's do you have: One. We had two, but then we're like, WAIT, NO, THIS ONE'S BETTER, but we never ended up buying the other one.

Phone lines?: 2. Three, kinda.

Do sleep with a stuffed animal: No. Sometimes, I'm sure.

Who do you tell your dreams to?: Sleeping dreams? I don't know, whoever will listen.

Who's the loudest friend you have?: Veronica.

Who's the quietest friend?: I don't have any quiet friends.
Is Cheerleading a sport?: To an extent. If they actually do, like, major acrobat-like stuff, definitely. But just standing there, and shaking your--no.
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop? One.

Which came first, the chicken or the egg: Mr. Egg

**************YOU and LOVE************************

Do you believe in Love: Just listen to the rythem of the heart. Yeah.

Do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend: No indeed.

Do you have a crush: No.
Who is your crush: Mr. Banana-fanny. Oh, my ex-crush was *cough*David's Brother*cough* It's funny how he has no name. *cough*Steven*cough*

Will you send this to your crush: I'm posting it on my blog, so I wouldn't know.
Do you believe in Love at first sight: No. Hah. Lust at first sight, definitely. Sending that high, that adrenaline rush.

Where would u like to go on your honeymoon? Somewhere fun.
What song do you want played at your wedding?: Oh man, what a question. Everything Little Thing She Does Is Magic. Hahaha, no, I'm just kidding. Maybe, Such Great Heights. Or some Jazz thing. Or, like, Stairway to Heaven. I was obsessed with that song during the band trip. Or Let Go by Frou Frou. Or, like, the Garden State Soundtrack. Hah. I don't know. So much good stuff. Come Sail Away?
What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?: Approaching, I notice things in this order. (Hah, I'm making this up from the top of my head, but it should be fairly accurate.) Walk. Facial expression/ Face. Hair. Reputation/Stuff I've heard my friends say. Then, I digest all that, and decide how "reputation" factors in. Many times, it makes me think big-picture-ly.

Longest crush: None. All my crushes are about a school-year long.
Are you shy to ask someone out?: Not really, if I wanted to.
Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with: Someone good.

Are you a virgin?: Yeah.

***************WHICH IS WORSE:**********************

Making out with Marilyn Manson or Rob Zombie: Oh. Which is worse? Rob Zombie.

Whats worse having your tonsils or appendix removed?: Ow. Neither, thank you very much.

***********ON GUYS (for girls only) ***********

Boxers or brief? Boxers. Sure.

Six pack or muscular arms: Ew. Muscles. Uhm. I, myself, hate sit-ups. But that has nothing to dow ith anything. Arms? I guess?
Good or bad guys: All girls dream about the bad guys. And the good guys. Both.

Hat or no hat: Hats are hot.

Ears pierced or not: Ain't matter.

tan or no tan: Doesn't matter.

Stubble or neatly shaven: Is not of the mattering.

Rugged or sporty: Rugged. I guess.

Studly or cutie: Mmm. Yum.

Glasses: If they're hot. If they work. I am Ms. Shallow.

Smart or dumb: Smart.

What sport should he play: I don't care.

Dependent (whipped) or independent: Independent. But bits of dependent works.
Hey, so, how come the guys get to answer more questions? HUH? HUH?! Cherry is Angry. I should just answer the girls one. For my Lesbian side. Haha. Lesbian side.

***** ON GIRLS (for guys only)*****

Granny panties or thongs: Thongs.

Painted nails or not: Doesn't matter.
Regular or sports bra: Regular, unless they're sporting.

Bra straps showing or not: Depends on the shirt, if it hangs out naturally, sexy.

Cute n' mysterious or wild n' sexy: Mysterious n' sexy.

Dark or blonde hair: Dark. Blonde could happen.

Long or short hair: Doesn't matter.

Curly or straight hair: Doesnt matter.

Dark, light, or crazy cool eyes: All.

Long or short nails: Long. *cough**bites nailes**cough*

Hat or no hat: Hats are sexy. Sometimes, they don't work on girls though.

Good or bad girl: Both. Yes, I want a bipersonality girl.

Hair up or down: Different times calls for different hair positions.

Jewelry or none: Doesnt matter.
Tall or short: Doesn't matter.

Pants or dress: Pants. Dresses are ok though.

Tan or fair: Doesn't matter.

Glasses: If it works.

Pretty indoor chick or crazy party chick: Pretty indoor, I guess.

Freckles or none: None.
Shy or outgoing : Both.

Funny or always cool: Both.
Talkative or shy: Both.

**************** PICK ONE: THIS OR THAT****************

Lights on/off: I can't stand dimly lighten rooms. But dark is good. Lights are good, if they light up well.

Sun or rain: Cloudy. Sprinkly.

Micky D's (McDonalds) or (burger king): Ew.
Do u like scary or happy movies better: Both.
Backstreet Boys or NSYNC: I think I liked Backstreet Boys better. They wore less hairgel.

On the phone or in person: In person.

Paper or plastic: Arrgggg. Paper.

Sausage or pepperoni: Yum yum. Both?

Summer or winter: Winter.

Hugs or kisses: Hugs. Kisses are sloppy.

Chocolate or white chocolate: I haven't had white chocolate in a while. Didn't like it. Chocolate is too sweet.
Root Beer or Dr. Pepper: Dr. Pepper
Glass half full or half empty: Oh, do you mean AM I OPTIMISTIC OR PESSIMISTIC? I'm optimistic, actually. But glass my ass.

CD or Tape: Uh. Neither? Digital music, the next generation.

Video Tape or DVD: DVD. Video Tape does mean old movies, though, and old movies are fun.

Cats or Dogs: Cats
Mud or Jell-O wrestling: Jell-O. Sounds like fun. And tasty. But sugary. Ew
Vanilla or Chocolate: Vanilla

Skiing or Boarding: Boarding. Skiiing. Aaah, I don't know.

Pie or Cake: Cake. Speaking of which.
Diamond or pearl: Diamond? Sure.
Sunset or sunrise: Sunset.

***************YOUR FAVORITES*******************

Color: Black. Maroon. Turquoise. Lavender.

Food: Good stuff.

Fast Food: Beyond Bread. Not fast food, I guess. But PSH.

Candy: Warheads. Or, NO, LEMON HEADS. Heads.
Flavor: Lemon. or Lime. Lemon-lime sucks.

Sport to watch: Basketball.

Music: Everything. Indie. Rock. Classic. Rock. Crazy music. Crazy. Fine. Pink Floyd, The Beatles, The Shins, The Wallflowers, Frou Frou, The Who, Cake, Ben Folds, Blue Oyster Cult, Bob Dylan, David Bowie, Queen, The Eagles, Scorpions, The Postal Service, R.E.M., The Rolling Stones, I'm Gonna Be by The Proclaimers, Simon & Garfunkel, The Smashing Pumpkins, The Smiths, Styx, Eels, The Turtles, Weezer, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Led Zeppelin, Xiu Xiu ... to name a few.

Station: 91.3, KXCI. 96.1, KLPX. 107.5, KHYT. And, 97.5, 92.1, 104.1 whatever-they-ares.

Song: Too many to name.

Number(s): It's 9 today.

Actor or Actress: OOO. I don't know. Winona Ryder. But not. There was another. Ooh! THIRTEEN WAS THE MOVIE. Yeah, that has nothing to do with anything.

Fav. Month: October/November

Show: I don't know.

Board Game: I don't know.

Saying: No Regrets. No Secrets. No Lies. AND, of course, I'M RICK JAMES, BITCH. Actually, no, I just have, Meanwhile, Rick James... stuck in my head.
*********************** EVER***********************

Loved someone so much it makes you cry: No. Welllllll, sorta.

Drank: Yeaaah.

Broke the law: Yeaaah. Tiny laws.

Ran from the cops?: Not really.

Stole something: Not officially.
Tried to kill yourself: Yeah.

*************** ON A FINAL NOTE***************

Do you like filling these out: Only when I'm in the mood.
Do you want your friends to write back: I don't care. I don't really read them, I only read the ones that I copy/pasted, and I read them while I'm filling them out.
Who is least likely to respond? Whoever doesn't read my blog. And people who have done it already. But, besides all those, if I had to pick a random person, assuming they read this, which they don't and all, I'd say. Wow. I really don't know.
Any last words you would like to say: I'M RICK JAMES, BI0TCH

Tuesday, June 14, 2005


So, Health Presentations have been pretty dull, all-in-all.

Today's kinda hurt though.

Locked doors. Dysfunctional family. Cornered.

Communication. Character. Love.

Manipulation. Abuse. Lies.


I did know about Emotion being a thing. Emotion is always a Thing. Crazy emotions.

Effecting everything.

And I have been letting go. I think I'm not doing that badly. Psh.



Abstinence is the answer to everything.


Monday, June 13, 2005


Five hundred twenty-five thousand SIX hundred minutes.
How do you measure... measure a year.


Health videos are scary. STDs are scary. Slideshow pictures are scary. Babies are scary.

This is life.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

And then, BAM

It hits me.

So I've noticed nothing actually hits me. Physically, that's possible, because of stuff we learned in physics and blah blah, but, otherwise. Never being effected by that BAM that makes you realize something's changed.



Friday, June 10, 2005

Summer. School.

Summer school isn't all that bad. With four more days to go, I have to say it's been an experience. Gotten to know Briana and Marissa a lot more. <2 them. Our sub today was fun. He was cool. Driver's ed was crazy. Simulators. With the teaching us mad skillz. I can drive now. Today, when I was driving down the street, a car that was in the left-turn lane jumped across right in front of me and went to the right-turn lane. But I was prepared, and even checked my rearview mirror. Why? Because of those crazy simulators.
My sickness seems to be better at night. But during the day, when doing those crazy worksheets, my nose just runs off, and I'm back in the land of tissues. And then every morning, I wake up early and my throat hurts, then I drink some water, go back to sleep, and am better when I wake up again.
It's getting tiresome.
Sigh. I love our school.

Oh, right, during the heart video, they had all the rollarcoasters and stuff. And from watching the first one, the water ride, I was like, I've been on that ride. 'Cause it was really old and torn down and stuff, and I remembered being on such a bad ride. And then there was the Superman ride, and I'm like, IT'S MAGIC MOUNTAIN. And then Colos--something. And then, they showed the Magic Mountain sign at the end, and I was all proud. But, the point of all that was to point out that our band trip is this year. I was thinking about it during health, how freshmen year, we were thinking about how far Junior year was and how next band trip, we might be hanging out with people from different classes, like, the sophomores, juniors, and seniors were doing that year. But then I think about it, and right now, it doesn't seem so, 'cause the juniors (class about us) are really seclusive and have an elitest attitude. Most of them.
But maybe, by February of next year, things might be different.



Monday, June 06, 2005



And, here we are, UHS, with our high AIMS scores and our being about 75% of our marching band.

So, band people, I got mailed two of the crazy-long band letter things. Two.

And I'm getting better, disease-wise. Throat hurts less. Runny nose. Runny nose less. Coughing. Oh, and I can't talk. Luckily for those people in summer school.

This one time, in seventh grade, I lost my voice. And Erika, a friend, and I had PE together. And we always talked when we ran and stuff, but then I lost my voice. And so it was only her talking, and she kept freaking out 'cause it was like she was talking to herself. Because we all know how much Cherry talks, or how much she can talk. And so, it's a shame when I can't talk. Yeah. So I've almost lost my voice once a year ever since then.

That was a pathetically-told story. I need to go die now.

Saturday, June 04, 2005


So I'm sick. And it sucks. Usually, when you think back to sicknesses, it doens't seem as bad. Because you think, well, I got past it, and don't remember how badly it hurt. But when you're sick, like this, you want to die.

Therefore, through the transitive property,
I want to die. Or just get better.

So life has been sucking. Took the SAT IIs today. Walked out of the house with untamed hair and everything. It's a good thing I ain't caring no more, 'cause I looked pretty scary.

Chemistry was kinda weird, with 85 problems in an hour... but they were easy problems.
And math. 50 problems, but still didn't have enough time 'cause I kepted passing out and stuff, being extremely sick and cramped. They had awful chairs. Awful, I say.

And so this week sucked.

Dad issues. He has his problems. When was that. Thursday? Second day of Summer School.

Driver's Ed is crazy. Simulators are not simulating. Death is upon us. Speed kills.

Can't wait 'til health.


I should get a job.